
Refund Policy

Thank you for using Senet to participate in tournaments and events. We want you to have a positive and enjoyable experience, but we understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned. If you are unhappy with your purchase or experience, you may be eligible for a refund under the following conditions:

  • – You must request a refund within 14 days of the original purchase date or event participation.
  • – You must not have participated in the event or used any of the purchased services.
  • The purchase or participation must not have been part of a bundle or promotion.
  • – To request a refund, please contact our customer support team through the Senet website or app. Be sure to include your order number and a detailed explanation of the problem you are experiencing.

Please note that we may not be able to process your refund if you do not meet the above criteria or if you have already participated in the event or used the purchased services. Additionally, we reserve the right to deny a refund request if we believe it is being made in bad faith or for fraudulent purposes.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.